Vehicle sales in May doubled on-year but minimal sales seen in June


KUALA LUMPUR: Vehicle sales doubled in May this year to 46,663 units from 23,366 units a year ago but the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) expects minimal sales in June due to the current four-week lockdown.

It said on Friday the industry recorded passenger vehicle (PV) sales of 41, 988 units in May compared with 20, 839 units a year ago. Commercial vehicles (CV) reported sales of 4, 657 versus a year ago.

“Sales volume for May 2021 was 19% lower than April 2021 due to the implementation of the Movement Control Order 3.0 in mid to end May, ” it added.

It also said it was also shorter working month in May due to Hari Raya festive holidays while the shortage of computer chips affected sales of some makes.

Year-to-date, total industry vehicle sales rose to 245,932 units compared with 128, 790 in the previous corresponding period.

Production of vehicles jumped to 42,522 units from 12,286 units a year ago. PV accounted for 40,159 units and CV 2,363 units.

YTD, production doubled to 240,998 units from 121, 005 units in the previous corresponding period.

As for June sales, the MAA expects minimal sales in June except for carry forward in May registration units not invoiced in May.

“Other factors are the enforcement of full MCO3.0 for whole month of June 2021. Also showrooms are not allowed to operate.

“Most government agencies like JPJ, Puspakom, SPAD and LPKP are closed or working with minimal staff, ” the MAA said.

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