Actor Shawn Yue reveals he suffered from panic disorder for six years


Hong Kong actor Shawn Yue has defined why he has nearly disappeared from the general public eye for six years.

The Taiwan-based artiste made a uncommon public look at a branding occasion in Taiwan final Friday, disclosing that he suffered from panic disorder.

“I have hardly participated in public activities since the beginning of the pandemic because I had severe panic attacks before that, and I would suddenly feel very scared,” mentioned the 41-year-old on the occasion.

He mentioned the anxiousness assaults occurred earlier than his marriage to Taiwanese actress Sarah Wang, 34, in December 2017. They have a five-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter.

Yue recalled that one such assault occurred on a aircraft, an incident which he additionally recounted in a video on his YouTube channel in May 2022.

“I was flying to France to shoot a commercial and I went crazy when the plane took off,” he mentioned. “I couldn’t breathe all of a sudden and kept saying I wanted to get off the plane.”

It led him to chop down on his public appearances. Despite that, he was seized by anxiousness on considered one of these uncommon events.

“I felt very scared, my hands trembled and I couldn’t breathe,” he mentioned. “It was too late to take medication which takes 15 to 20 minutes to take effect.”

The actor added that his situation is now secure, in all probability as a result of lengthy break he took through the pandemic.

Yue, who is understood for performing in motion pictures such because the Infernal Affairs trilogy (2002 to 2003), Love In A Puff trilogy (2010 to 2017) and Mad World (2016), mentioned he used to shoot seven to eight motion pictures in a 12 months.

His function as a person fighting bipolar disorder in Mad World earned him a Best Actor nomination on the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2017.

Yue clarified that he has not left present enterprise, saying that he has been writing scripts lately.

“I prefer spending time behind the scenes as I meet fewer people,” he mentioned. “We do different things at different phases (of our lives).”

Although he might be slicing again on performing, he hopes to show the scripts into motion pictures. “I want to explore some of my favourite themes, look for actors and directors whom I want to work with and develop the projects we really want to do together,” he mentioned.

Yue additionally declined to speak concerning the current incidents involving his good associates, tv host Blackie Chen and actor Sunny Wang.

Chen, 46, has been accused of sexual harassment by actress Tina Chou in Taiwan’s #MeToo motion whereas Wang, 40, is reportedly having marital issues with singer Dominique Choy, 37.

“Don’t ask me about other’s people’s matters as I don’t gossip,” he replied. “To tell you the truth, I don’t read the news.” – The Straits Times/Asia News Network

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