Casement Park and the long road to Euro 2028


In 2012, stadium designers had been appointed to the challenge and it was anticipated the new Casement Park can be constructed by 2015. But it did not end up that approach.

The first large impediment got here in 2014, when the High Court overturned planning permission for the challenge.

Local residents, led by the Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents Association (MORA), had lodged a authorized problem over objections to the stadium’s dimension – they stated it could block out gentle from native properties and trigger critical visitors disruption.

Then, in 2015, got here presumably the most contentious yr of the Casement Park challenge.

Firstly, it emerged {that a} Safety Technical Group (STG) fashioned to oversee issues of safety round the new stadium had not accepted the design plans due to considerations over how long it could take individuals to go away the floor in an emergency.

Later, considered one of the STG members, security knowledgeable Paul Scott, instructed a Northern Ireland Assembly committee that he had been put “under pressure” to approve the plans by government officials.

He additionally complained of bullying- he later settled an industrial tribunal case with Sport NI.

With the unique Casement plan now scrapped, the GAA went to work on plans for a brand new stadium, revising the capability down to about 34,500.

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