Pilot dies after Spitfire crash in Lincolnshire field


A pilot has died after a Spitfire crashed in a field near an RAF station in Lincolnshire, officers mentioned.

Emergency companies have been known as to the field off Langrick Road, Coningsby shortly earlier than 13:20 BST on Saturday.

The World War Two-era aircraft belonged to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight primarily based at RAF Coningsby, the RAF mentioned.

It mentioned a “complete investigation” could be accomplished and it will not speculate on the reason for the crash.

The RAF assertion reads: “It is with nice unhappiness that we should verify the demise of an RAF pilot in a tragic accident close to RAF Coningsby as we speak.

“The pilot’s household have been knowledgeable and we ask that their privateness is revered at this troublesome time.”

The Prince and Princess of Wales have been amongst many who’ve paid tribute to the pilot who has not but been named.

In a press release posted on their X account, they mentioned: “Incredibly unhappy to listen to of the information this afternoon from RAF Coningsby. Our ideas this night are with the pilot’s family members, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, and the broader RAF household. W & C.”

Earlier, Lincolnshire Police mentioned the plane got here down in a field off Langrick Road, which runs alongside the perimeter of the RAF station.

Road closures are in place round Dogdyke Road and Sandy Bank, with motorists requested to keep away from the world.

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