PR for pigeons: Woman’s mission to give the birds a better image


Hannah believes one purpose folks do not like pigeons is as a result of there are such a lot of feral ones.

“The complete purpose there are a great deal of them is as a result of once we did not want them any extra, we deserted them,” she says.

So it is like if all of us of a sudden all went, ‘have you learnt what? I do not assume we must always hold canine as pets any extra, let’s all turf our canine out into the road’, and there can be canine all over the place.”

People have complained that pigeons trigger a nuisance after they nest in cities – the place there’s a meals provide – and depart droppings on buildings.

This is one thing the charity finally hopes to sort out, by encouraging councils to make better nesting websites for pigeons, maintaining buildings secure.

But for now the charity is aiming to “gently push” its ethos, for instance by making social media content material that tells folks about pigeon historical past.

“I usually make humorous movies on the TikTok channel about how they served us in World War Two,” says Hannah.

“And humorous movies about how the robin retains getting topped Britain’s nationwide chicken and the pigeon has executed a lot extra for the nation than the robin has, movies like that.

“We usually are not anticipating everyone to immediately fall in love with them, we’re simply anticipating or hoping that folks shall be humane and no less than not trigger any pointless cruelty.”

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