This KL exhibition spotlights Japanese 1970s printmaking art


Arts fanatics may have a chance to catch a glimpse of Japanese art prints of the 1970s that remodeled the worldwide art scene, via the continuing exhibition at Level 5, GMBB, Kuala Lumpur that ends on Feb 27.

To attain a broader viewers, the exhibition entitled Photographic Images And Matter: Japanese Prints Of The 1970s will proceed at Muzium & Galeri Tuanku Fauziah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang from March 10 to April 8 and Sabah Art Gallery, Sabah from April 18 to May 18.

“The exhibition options on print expressions from the 1970s as seen within the work of 14 artists who helped develop a print motion on the planet of Japanese up to date art within the 1970s,” stated the Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur in a press release.

The assertion stated the exhibition is split into two sections, specifically “The Age of Photographic Images,” specializing in the usage of photographic photographs within the print medium and “Images of Autonomous Matter” that showcases works created utilizing supplies corresponding to stone, wooden, paper, cotton and metal sheets.

“This art motion was introduced on by Tetsuya Noda, the recipient of International Grand Prize within the sixth version of the International Biennial Exhibition of Prints, again in 1968.

“Noda’s works in reworking photographic portraits of his household into prints led to large adjustments in prints globally, creating parallels between traits in up to date prints and art, whereas inspiring future developments within the creative sphere,” the assertion added.

Admission to the exhibition is free. More data here. – Bernama

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