Top U.S. Senate Republican McConnell meets Zelenskiy in Kyiv


(Reuters) – Mitch McConnell, the highest Republican in the U.S. Senate, paid an unannounced go to to Kyiv on Saturday with different Republican senators and met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy for talks.

McConnell is urgent Republican Senator Rand Paul to finish his opposition to a $40 billion support bundle for Ukraine, which has overwhelming help from each main events.

Zelenskiy hailed what he mentioned was a strong sign of bipartisan help for Ukraine.

“Thank you in your management in serving to us combat not just for our nation, but in addition for democratic values and freedoms. We actually respect it,” he mentioned in a press release.

McConnell was accompanied by Susan Collins of Maine, John Barrasso of Wyoming and John Cornyn of Texas.

Dozens of international politicians and celebrities have visited Ukraine for the reason that Russian invasion in February to indicate their help. President Joe Biden’s spouse, school professor Jill Biden, made an unannounced journey to Kyiv final Sunday.

(Reporting by David Ljunggren; enhancing by Grant McCool)

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