Elephant ‘inspects’ Raya jam at East-West Highway, approaches SUV – don’t provoke it or go too near


During the current Hari Raya jam, an elephant was caught on digital camera hanging out on the highway and “inspecting” the scene. The video was captured at the East-West Highway connecting Gerik to Jeli, and the video has been verified by the division of wildlife and nationwide parks (Perhilitan).

In the video, the elephant was at the aspect of the highway when a Mazda CX-5 approaches it. The SUV brakes however continues on the the curve. The big mammal appears to be like at the Mazda and strikes in direction of it, however the SUV managed to move unscathed. The elephant was nonetheless in the midst of the highway when the subsequent automotive – a Proton Wira – approaches the bend. This automotive then did what we’re not alleged to do, honk.

No human or animal was harmed, and the elephant finally went again into the jungle after a couple of minutes. It’s not one thing we see on a regular basis, however Perhilitan director Yusoff Shariff stated that such incidents are frequent on the East-West Highway, and that the elephants within the space are usually used to the presence of people and automobiles.

However, Yusoff hoped that motorists don’t provoke or get too near elephants on the highway. What one must do in such an encounter is decelerate or cease, keep a protected distance and let the elephant head again into the woods. He added that Perhilitan had anticipated human-elephant encounters, and had arrange warning indicators on the route.

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